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In the onboarding process it's especially important to determine how the experience of joining an organization can be improved to ensure that new recruits are well engaged with their work. Running a New Joiner survey will allow you to gather valuable feedback from your new hires that you can use to improve onboarding and make sure all new talent hits the ground running.
Taking on the thoughts and opinions of new recruits is the best way to generate a truly helpful reflection of what is or isn't well-received by new employees in their experience of onboarding.
PeopleGoal provides the means for creating an effortless and automated New Joiner Survey. Our pre-built template can be put to use immediately after downloading, or alternatively follow these instructions to learn how you can easily customize your survey using our simple, no-code workflow builder.
Take a look at these steps below to find out more about how you can install and launch a New Joiner survey in under five minutes:
1. Install your New Joiner Survey app template
2. Customize the app template (optional)
3. Configure the app states (optional)
4. Manage your app participants
Let's get started.
We'll take a few seconds to add this to your account. You'll then be taken straight to the app to get started.
All the pre-built survey questions and states are installed and ready to go so you can get started with surveys right away! To skip the customization, jump down to step 4 and set up your app participants and permissions.
Should you wish to configure the review to add your own questions and states, click the Template menu, then Edit template.
Elements are individual form fields that allow you to prompt the user to give specific information. You have the ability to change each element to suit your unique process and company needs.
The example below demonstrates how we edit one of the multiple choice questions to display a new question - prompting users about how the company goals align with their own. We also edit the display type from presenting a list of options instead of a dropdown bar. Additionally, response to the question is made optional.
Note that each element is unique, so if for example you change the rating set on one element you'll need to change any other questions to match this. Don't worry, it's quick and easy to duplicate an element once you're happy with its setup.
Reordering is very straightforward - simply click and drag to change the element or section order.
In the example, you can see we've added a new element that gives employees the option to state if there is anyone in the company they would like to get to know better. When creating a new element, hover over Option and click User select. You can alter the text to prompt the employee to select any individuals they feel they haven't gotten to know yet.
If you've used the Onboarding Checklist app then their onboarding process may have gone swimmingly, in which case we can set the response to optional for this element. This data can be used to indicate if any further introductions are necessary, enabling the new employee to feel they are a valued team member.
Typically a New Joiner survey will only involve the employee and HR for privacy reasons. As a result, there are just the two states configured in the pre-built template.
If you wish to incorporate more individuals in the survey workflow, this can be achieved by adding additional states. Each participant will have their own state, representing their interaction with the survey. Additionally, it is possible to control the visibility of sections (and individual elements) in every state. These can be set to read-only, editable or hidden for the selected state participant.
Typically the surveys are not shared beyond the employee and HR. However, if you wish to create an open survey then you may want to add a state for the line manager or hiring manager. As seen in this example, we've added a state for the line manager so that they can check the responses and better understand how the employee feels about their start to work for the organization. We've also added a section for the manager's responses so that it's separate from the employee part of the survey.
You can remove any states that you do not need to use.
Our example simply demonstrates how the line manager state, created in the last step, can easily be removed if desired.
Each state has a default status flag which indicates to participants what stage of the process their item is in. The New Joiner Survey app is pre-built with default status flags, which you can alter.
It's advisable to delete status flags that are unused so that they don't clutter up your item filter once you start onboarding employees. In this example, there is no need for the Rejected and Draft flags so they are deleted.
Participants are the users who will be involved in the app workflow. For New Joiner surveys the participants are the Employee and the HR Reviewer (as well as the Line Manager if you've added them to the process above). You can automate the participants by assigning Relationships and default users to the Configure states menu.
Below you can see how we set the default user for the HR review to Jenny Jones, our HR Director. She'll then be able to use all of this data to develop the process for the next batch of onboarders.
Depending on whether you add any additional states will determine how you may want to approach visibility for your survey. Our template gives the two participants full visibility, but it's really straightforward to change this.
Permissions control access to your app within your PeopleGoal account. Different levels of access will determine to what extent users can create/edit surveys.
For New Joiner Surveys, we'd recommend that you set the permission to Create only. This enables employees to create surveys for themselves but without being able to see any colleague's surveys.
The user who installed the Onboarding app template has Owner permission by default. Any specific team and user permissions then replace the default permission type.
You can limit the access to your New Joiner Survey apps by only allowing certain teams to see the app. This is especially relevant in Onboarding, where your new hires will likely only need to access the apps for the first 3-6 months of their role.
High five! Now you just need to start onboarding some employees and when the time comes assign them surveys. It may be easier for you to create the surveys for individuals when the time comes, or you can set up a schedule to automatically create new surveys.
Scheduling a New Joiner survey can be useful to indicate to new employees how long they have to wait until they are no longer considered a newbie. Setting a specific date for the survey also gives them something to work towards.
At PeopleGoal we recognize that every company has its unique way of working, with your specific metrics that are significant to your intentions towards analyzing your onboarding process. That's why we capture every single data point from your joiner surveys app in the Data table, to help you to build custom reports and automated charts. Head over to our Reports building article to learn how to create custom reports and analytics tracking.
Now you've got your New Joiner Surveys up and running (and hopefully your Onboarding Checklists, take some time to learn more about the other apps you can install from the App Store. We'd recommend installing the Engagement workspace to set up weekly pulse surveys, mood surveys or employee engagement surveys. All of which will enable you to monitor the employee experience of working in your company, beyond the initial stages of joining.
Don't have a PeopleGoal account yet? Book a demo to see our no-code HR workflow builder in action!
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