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When you’re working on a project, it’s easy to lose track of time. According to, 89% of employees admitted that they waste at least some time at work. With the move to remote work, many of us have found staying productive challenging. Time tracking processes measure employee hours worked through timesheets for employee salaries and client bills. However, recent years have seen a shift towards the use of software to analyze data obtained from time tracking, and to automate the process. This helps teams reflect on their time management practices, and make projects are more cost-effective.
Remote work can lead to miscommunication – as we can’t check in on employees in person. Time tracking remains crucial as remote employees are likely to feel demotivated if their time worked is not recognized in full, especially if they are paid hourly.
While we’re on-the-clock, it’s important that we are empowered to be as productive as possible. This requires careful planning. A time tracking process can clarify expectations, and measure how long tasks take to complete.
Benefits of Time Tracking
Increase employee engagement, as expected working hours are made clear
Improve productivity, by setting measurable deadlines
Measure how long tasks takes to complete- so employees can reflect on working practices
Salaries are an accurate reflection of hours worked
Check up on team availability to improve collaboration
PeopleGoal’s Time Tracking module makes the process customizable. It works in 3 easy stages:
So much time can be saved through this simple, automated process. HR no longer has to wait for paperwork to be returned, as remote employees can update their hours from wherever they are.
Make sure you highlight the benefits of the time tracking process to your teams – as time management can sometimes seem like micro-management. The quick, easy to use system eats up less time than conventional methods, and time tracking can improve employee wellbeing by helping managers avoid employees working overtime too regularly.
1. Install the Time Tracking app
2. Customize the Time Tracking app (optional)
3. Configure the app participants
5. Launch your Time Tracking form
6. Use your timesheet data for reports
To install the app, open any workplace in your PeopleGoal account.
We've pre-built a great time tracking template. If you don't need to customize the template further, skip ahead to Step 3 to start setting up permissions and participants and to launch your survey.
PeopleGoal enables you to customize the time tracking template according to your company's practices.
You may want to adapt some of the form fields.
The template offers sliders so that employees can note how many hours they worked for each day of the week.
You may want to use a calendar element too, if there are specific dates that need highlighting, such as the beginning of a project.
Top tip - remember that changes only apply to that specific element. If you want to duplicate elements, find out how below.
To duplicate existing elements:
You may have a specific structure in mind for your time tracking process.
If you want to add a new element, simply select Add element.
You may want to ask employees what methods they employ to they manage their time. Adding a text input might help with this.
To add a new section, scroll to the bottom of the form and press Add section. Sections help give your form a logical structure, so that the employee can fill it out efficiently.
You may want to inform managers of the information gathered in the time tracking process. Employees also need to be made aware of the form in a timely way.
PeopleGoal automates this process so that your time tracking process reaches your teams quickly and efficiently.
So how to manage visibility where there are many app participants? You can create default participants using your account Relationships, as we explore below.
For Time Tracking, both participants have full visibility. This means they can both see the form at any time, even if it's not in a state that they own.
Pay attention to who can edit the time tracking app. Who needs to edit the template, or just read requests? You can customize this through Permissions.
You can set the default permission type to Create only for all users. The 'Create only' permission means employees can complete the form but not edit the template or see other entries from their colleagues.
If you installed the app, you are by default the Owner. This means you can change app settings, edit and create in the template. Specific and team permissions overwrite default permissions.
You might want to provide supervisors with a Relationship permission - so that they can create time tracking forms for their direct reports.
Your time tracking form should now be ready to go - it's time to launch your form so that you can start gathering the information you need!
Or, if you need to send your form to a particular team:
And just like that - your Time Tracking form is launched!
Your timesheets are useful in themselves - you'll find your team is more organized, with less of a paper burden to slow them down!
But they are also invaluable for the data they gather. PeopleGoal enables you to create evidence-based reports using apps.
For example, you could measure the time taken for different tasks - to reflect on how time management practices might be improved.
To get started, click the Data tab. All information gathered from timesheets is stored here. You can start to filter and reorganize the tabs, or export them as spreadsheets.
Use our support article on App Reports to find out how you can create a report template.
This app will streamline your time tracking processes. HR will have more time to focus on building great strategies for employee engagement, wellbeing and learning and development.
There are so many PeopleGoal apps in our App Store that can transform your processes. Our Employee Mood Survey help HR pinpoint the root causes of lower productivity. Our HRIS Apps ensure employee information records are complete - without burdening HR with paperwork!
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